Diary #1 – Flying to Guernsey in Search of a Tailor

Seeing as I’ve been pretty terrible at keeping up to date with monthly wrap ups I thought I’d give myself a challenge to write shorter but more frequent updates in the form of a diary, which will include what I’ve read, what I’ve been to see at the theatre and anything else significant that I think you might like to hear about. Hope you enjoy!

Monday 24th May:

I went to Bridge Theatre, my first trip back to the stage after the latest lockdown, to see Flight. Based on a novel it tells the story of two orphaned brothers travelling across Europe in hopes of reaching London.

We were escorted inside and guided to our own individual private booth, very COVID appropriate, where you sit in front of a giant carousel, bare with me, which contains hundreds on miniature scenes. As the show starts the carousel begins to turn and the scenes are lit up one by one with the story playing through your headphones to tell you the brothers’ arduous tale.

This was such an original concept and beautiful told story , I would highly recommend that you grab a ticket while you still can. I don’t want to give too much away but the variety of effects used on the different scenes combined with the narrative and sounds effects was really wonderful. I’ve always had a fascination for miniature models and this show elegantly displays the versatility that they have for storytelling.

Showing at Bridge Theatre until 6th June 2021, get your tickets here!

Reading Update:

So last week I was lucky enough to visit the Lake District, which besides the beautiful walks and views meant two long train journeys, perfect for reading! However, I am struggling through Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, which I have still not finished, so I didn’t make much progress. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society did offer some light relief though. I’m quite enjoying it, but I don’t know if that’s mainly because comparatively I am really not enjoying Tinker Tailor

Have you read Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy? Did you enjoy it? And more importantly did you understand it?

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