Exciting New Middle-Grade Fiction

I wanted to share with you two upcoming releases that I've recently enjoyed, children's fiction is so powerful in inspiring imagination and teaching readers important lessons and I think these two stories do both of these things beautifully.

Finishing Up 2022

This week I finished all of the books I carried over from 2022! 🙌 A fair mix of genres and a definite mixture in reception. *Reviews contain spoilers*

New Year – New Project

For a while now I have been toying with the idea of expanding my TBR list to include books from around the world. Last year I made a new year's resolution to read a book from a different country every month, and while I broadly stuck to this, I don't feel like I gained what I wanted from the resolution. So, after some umming and ahhing, I've decided for the foreseeable future that each year I will focus on reading from two different countries, both fiction and non-fiction as well as watching films and tv shows, with the aim of improving my knowledge of those countries' histories and cultures.

The Best of 2021 – Part 1

Here's a little list of my favourite reads from the year, that, if you choose to, can also be used as a little Christmas gift guide for your book-loving acquaintances.

Diary #6 – P.S. I Love Audiobooks

So the reading drought continues, I am picking my books up, just not for very long each time. However, I have zoomed through three audiobooks all of which I loved!

Diary #5 – Under Circe’s Spell

I made a new discovery this week, BorrowBox, the audiobook lending service, which I’m hoping will help me get through my INSANELY huge TBR. I also visited the National Theatre for the first time in what feels like forever to see Under Milk Wood. I still haven’t finished any physical books and to be honest went through a bit of a reading slump, but listening to audiobooks has definitely helped.

Diary #4 – Books and Booked

I didn’t manage to finish any books this week and quite frankly got into a bit of a slump with reading. I don’t know if it was the weather turning dull or that fact that I have a few more plans now, but my reading time definitely fell dramatically. Having said that when I did return to my books I was welcomed back with interesting and engaging writing. Oh and I got my first COVID vaccine so I’m pretty happy about that!

Diary #3 – A Delivery from Egypt

This week I finished a book and started a new one, whilst enjoying the glorious sunshine, that conveniently disappeared every time I went to the park… I also booked tickets for a show I have wanted to see for ages so am incredibly excited!

Diary #2 – The Show Intends to Go On

Somehow it is already June and, rejoice, the sunshine has finally appeared. I finished a book, started a new one whilst buying and borrowing a lot more! I also saw some wonderful live performances and booked to see another, so all in all, a good week.