
This was a refreshingly fun take on the climate crisis from a teenage perspective. It was funny and incredibly silly but also honest and serious. Priya, overlooked and rebellious, is looking to get away from her mum's new boyfriend and Lou, your typical nerd, has just been expelled for continuing to protest outside of her school.

Emily Wilson: Fixed

A mixture of tv clips, original music, youtube videos and embarrassing old social media posts, Fixed is the story of Emily's journey as a 15-year-old singer on The X Factor USA.

Exciting New Middle-Grade Fiction

I wanted to share with you two upcoming releases that I've recently enjoyed, children's fiction is so powerful in inspiring imagination and teaching readers important lessons and I think these two stories do both of these things beautifully.

Finishing Up 2022

This week I finished all of the books I carried over from 2022! 🙌 A fair mix of genres and a definite mixture in reception. *Reviews contain spoilers*

New Year – New Project

For a while now I have been toying with the idea of expanding my TBR list to include books from around the world. Last year I made a new year's resolution to read a book from a different country every month, and while I broadly stuck to this, I don't feel like I gained what I wanted from the resolution. So, after some umming and ahhing, I've decided for the foreseeable future that each year I will focus on reading from two different countries, both fiction and non-fiction as well as watching films and tv shows, with the aim of improving my knowledge of those countries' histories and cultures.

The Best of 2021 – Part 1

Here's a little list of my favourite reads from the year, that, if you choose to, can also be used as a little Christmas gift guide for your book-loving acquaintances.

Diary #6 – P.S. I Love Audiobooks

So the reading drought continues, I am picking my books up, just not for very long each time. However, I have zoomed through three audiobooks all of which I loved!

Diary #5 – Under Circe’s Spell

I made a new discovery this week, BorrowBox, the audiobook lending service, which I’m hoping will help me get through my INSANELY huge TBR. I also visited the National Theatre for the first time in what feels like forever to see Under Milk Wood. I still haven’t finished any physical books and to be honest went through a bit of a reading slump, but listening to audiobooks has definitely helped.